GVC RULES (Amendment) Rules, 2021
VCI (Inspectors and Visitors) Regulations, 1991
VCI (Standard of Professional conduct, Etiquette & Code of Ethics for vets) regulation-1992
VCI (Election of President, Vice-prez)Regulations-1995
VCI (Registration) Amendment Regulation-2001
VCI-MSVE Degree Course(BVSC&AH) Regulations -2008
The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act - 1960
Advisory of AWBI, dated;08/09/2011
Amendment of the 1st schedule to the IVC Act-1984
IVC act 1984 implementation in Gujarat
Notification_Re-Constitution_GVC_Aug 2005
Notification_Re-Constitution_GVC_Aug 2009
Notification Re-Constitution_GVC_March 2011