Seminar (18/08/2015)

31-08-2015 08:08:28

Gujarat Veterinary Council (GVC) has successfully organized a one day  seminar on 18.08.2015 Tuesday At Town Hall Gandhinagar on topic  “ROLE OF VETERINARIAN IN PRE AND POST DISASTER MITIGATION” Under Assistance to States for Control of Animal Diseases (ASCAD) in collaboration with Department of Animal Husbandry, Gujarat State, and Gandhinagar. Honorable Minister of Agriculture, AH, Co-op and fisheries shree Babubhai Bokhiria, Prof. M C Varshneya,Vice Chancellor- Kamdhenu University and Dr.Hita Patel I/C Director of Animal Husbandry has grace the seminar with their valuable sharing and speech about what’s possible for veterinarians if they create positivity in every area of life. They release new issue of news link and first interactive Dynamic website of GVC for providing extraordinary services to registered members of GVC. Officers from Disaster management authority Mr Bipin Bhatt and Jagdish Gadhvi (GAS) shared their experience with August gathering. Dr R.S.Joshi (Co-Ordinater Veterinary Emergency Response Unit (VERU),West Zone, Anand Veterianry College,) and Dr.Kailash Brahmkshatriya ( Dy.Director of AH-Kutch D.P.) has delivered their valuable recent experience in Kutch flood. More than 500+ veterinarians from dairy cooperatives, private sector and Government of Gujarat has actively participated.